Global Agreement




Strategic Partnership


High Level Dialogues



Economic relations


Press releases


Mexico is part of the United Nations LGBT Core Group. At the UN Human Rights Council, the Core Group promotes a resolution on the protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Mexico’s prosperity is intrinsically linked to the equal participation of women and men in our political, economic, and social life. That is why Mexico’s National Development Plan 2013-2018 includes the gender perspective as a cross-cutting strategy.

In 2017, the Federal Budget allocated more than 26 million pesos for equality between women and men, which represents an increase of 60% compared to 2012.

The guidelines for gender mainstreaming in federal programs were published in order to accelerate the full exercise of women’s rights in all political, cultural, economic and social spheres.

The electoral gender parity, now embedded in the Constitution since the 2014 Constitutional Reform, allowed a significant increase in women participation in both federal (42.4%) and local congresses (40%). 

Mexico, in coordination with UN-Women, promotes the Center of Excellence on Statistics with a Gender Perspective, which will generate statistics with a gender perspective at the global, regional and national levels, in order to follow up on the SDGs and others international commitments on women's rights.