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Mexican cooperation in Central America

  • Bilateral cooperation: Mexican experts share their knowledge and lessons learned in different policy areas, as well as specialized technologies for capacity development in Central America.
  • Triangular cooperation: Our added value in the region is knowledge, technical expertise, and adaptability.  Current partners for projects in Central America are Germany, Japan, Singapore, Spain, South Korea, Switzerland, the United States, FAO, UNDP, among others. Under this scenario, we are piloting collaborations with the private sector and civil society organizations.
  • Mexican financial cooperation is channeled through the Infrastructure Fund for Mesoamerica and the Caribbean Countries (Yucatan Fund).
  • The Mexican regional IDC is directed through different programs that support education, institutional strengthening, regional integration, competitiveness, and social development. The most comprehensive cooperation is mainly conducted through initiatives that contribute to the objectives of the Mesoamerica Integration and Development Project (Mesoamerica Project, PM).
  • Other regional initiatives of Mexican cooperation in Central America are:
    • The Mesoamerican Cooperation Program: 18 years of operation, essentially for capacity development in health, education, and environmental sustainability.
    • Escuelas México Program: 21 years of operation, supports 146 schools throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.
    • The Project to prevent migration of unaccompanied minors from the Northern Triangle (pilot project in partnership with Germany and Save the Children) whose objective is to avert violence by providing access to education, and improving living conditions in general. It focuses on two municipalities of each Northern Triangle country with high rates of child migration